Perfect PDF Editor

Rename PDF File

Change document filename based on
text from the PDF pages

Upload PDF

How to Rename PDF File

  • To rename a PDF file using Perfect PDF Editor website, you can follow these steps:

1.Open Perfect PDF Editor Website:

  • Start by opening your web browser and navigating to the Perfect PDF Editor website.

2.Upload the PDF File:

  • Look for an option to upload or import the PDF file you want to rename. This is typically found on the homepage or in a menu labeled something like "Upload File" or "Import PDF."

3.Access File Management Options:

  • After uploading the PDF file, look for a menu or toolbar that provides file management options. You may find options like "Edit," "Manage Files," or similar.

4.Select Rename Option:

  • Within the file management options, there should be an option specifically for renaming files. It may be labeled as "Rename," "Edit Name," or something similar. Click on this option.

5.Enter New Name:

  • A dialog box or input field should appear where you can enter the new name for your PDF file. Type in the desired name for your PDF file.

6.Save Changes:

  • After entering the new name, look for a "Save" or "Apply" button to confirm the changes and rename the PDF file.

7.Download Renamed PDF:

  • Once the file is renamed, you should see the updated name displayed on the website. Look for a download button or link to download the renamed PDF file to your computer.

8.Verify Renaming:

  • After downloading the renamed PDF file, check its name to ensure that the renaming process was successful.
  • By following these steps, you should be able to rename a PDF file using Perfect PDF Editor's website. Keep in mind that the specific steps and options may vary slightly depending on the version and interface of the website.