Perfect PDF Editor

Rotate PDF

Rotate your PDFs the way you need them.
You can even rotate multiple PDFs at once!

Upload PDF


How to Rotate PDF

  • Here are the general steps to rotate a PDF using common PDF editors:

1.Open the PDF:

  • Launch the PDF editor and open the PDF document you want to rotate.

2.Locate the Rotation Tool:

  • Look for a tool or option specifically designed for rotating pages within the PDF editor's interface. This tool is typically found in the toolbar or under a menu like "Edit" or "Page."

3.Rotate Pages:

  • Select the pages or page range you want to rotate. You may have options to rotate clockwise (90 degrees), counterclockwise (-90 degrees), or flip horizontally/vertically.

4.Apply Changes:

  • Once you've selected the rotation settings, apply the changes. This may involve clicking a "Rotate" button or a similar action within the editor.

5.Save the PDF:

  • After rotating the pages as desired, save the PDF document to preserve the changes.

  • If you're using "Perfect PDF Editor" from a specific website, you can also try the following steps:

1.Access the Website:

  • Go to the official website of Perfect PDF Editor.

2.Upload Your PDF:

  • Look for an option to upload your PDF document to the editor.

3.Find the Rotation Tool:

  • Explore the editor's interface to locate the tool for rotating pages. This might be labeled as "Rotate," "Page Rotation," or something similar.

4.Rotate the Pages:

  • Use the rotation tool to rotate the pages of your PDF as needed.

5.Save or Download:

  • Once you're done rotating the pages, save or download the modified PDF from the editor.

  • If you encounter any specific issues or need further assistance with using Perfect PDF Editor from a website, it's recommended to refer to the editor's official documentation, help resources, or support team for detailed guidance.