Perfect PDF Editor

Split PDF by Bookmarks

Extract chapters to separate documents based on
the bookmarks in the table of contents

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How to Split PDF by Bookmarks

  • To split a PDF file by bookmarks using Perfect PDF Editor, follow these steps:

1.Open Perfect PDF Editor:

  • Launch Perfect PDF Editor on your computer.

2.Load the PDF File:

  • Click on "Open" or use the respective option to load the PDF file that you want to split by bookmarks.

3.Navigate to Bookmarks:

  • In the navigation pane or toolbar, locate the bookmarks panel or option. This might be labeled as "Bookmarks" or "Outline."

4.View Bookmarks:

  • Expand the bookmarks panel to view the hierarchical structure of bookmarks in the PDF document. Each bookmark represents a section or chapter of the document.

5.Select Bookmarks to Split:

  • Identify the bookmarks that you want to use as splitting points. These bookmarks will serve as the markers for creating separate PDF files.

6.Split the PDF:

  • Right-click on the bookmark that you want to split the PDF at.
  • Look for an option like "Split at Bookmark" or "Extract Pages to New Document" in the context menu. Select this option.

7.Specify Split Options:

  • A dialog box may appear asking for specific options related to the split. For example, you might be able to choose whether to include the bookmarked page in both the original and split files or only in the split file.

8.Save Split Files:

  • After specifying the split options, choose a location on your computer to save the newly split PDF files.
  • Optionally, you can rename the split files to reflect their contents or order.

9.Repeat if Necessary:

  • If you have multiple bookmarks and want to split the PDF into more than two files, repeat the process for each additional bookmark.

10.Verify and Review:

  • Once the splitting process is complete, verify the split PDF files to ensure that they contain the desired content based on the bookmarked sections.

11.Close Perfect PDF Editor:

  • Save any changes if prompted and close Perfect PDF Editor once you have successfully split the PDF by bookmarks.

  • These steps should guide you through the process of splitting a PDF file based on bookmarks using Perfect PDF Editor. Note that the exact options and menu names may vary slightly depending on the version of the software you are using, but the general workflow remains similar.