Perfect PDF Editor

Crop PDF File

Trim PDF margins, change PDF page
size with specific page.

Upload PDF

How to Crop PDF File

  • To crop a PDF file using the Perfect PDF Editor website, you can follow these general steps:

1.Access the Perfect PDF Editor Website:

  • Go to the Perfect PDF Editor website using your web browser.

2.Upload Your PDF File:

  • Look for an option to upload or import your PDF file into the Perfect PDF Editor. This is typically found on the homepage or in the editor interface.

3.Open the PDF in the Editor:

  • Once the PDF is uploaded, open it within the Perfect PDF Editor interface.

4.Select the Crop Tool:

  • Look for a tool or option labeled "Crop" or "Crop Pages" in the editor's toolbar or menu. Click on this tool to activate the cropping functionality.

5.Adjust the Crop Box:

  • After selecting the crop tool, you should see a crop box or handles around the edges of the PDF pages. Use your mouse to adjust the crop box to the desired area you want to keep.

6.Apply the Crop:

  • Once you've adjusted the crop box to your liking, find a button or option to apply the crop. This might be labeled as "Apply Crop," "Crop Pages," or something similar. Click on this option to finalize the cropping.

7.Save or Download the Cropped PDF:

  • After cropping the PDF, look for a save or download option to save the cropped version of the PDF file to your device.

8.Check the Cropped PDF:

  • Open the cropped PDF file using a PDF viewer to ensure that the cropping was applied correctly and that the content you wanted to keep is within the cropped area.
  • Please note that the specific steps and options may vary slightly depending on the version of the Perfect PDF Editor website or the interface design. If you encounter any difficulties or if the interface has changed, refer to the website's help or support section for more detailed instructions or contact their support team for assistance.